

Time to start thinking about nominations for WASP Distinguished Guest Professors, see below. Please let me know if you have someone in my mind. The control department currently has Frank Allgöwer as Distinguished WASP Professor so we know how it works.


Best Regards




From: Bo Wahlberg <bo@kth.se>
Sent: Thursday, 12 September 2024 14:49
To: Amy Loutfi <Amy.Loutfi@oru.se>; erik.elmroth@umu.se; Karl-Erik Årzén <karl-erik.arzen@control.lth.se>; marcus.liwicki <marcus.liwicki@ltu.se>; Michael Felsberg <michael.felsberg@liu.se>; robert.feldt@chalmers.se; thomas.schon@it.uu.se
Cc: Anders Ynnerman <anders.ynnerman@liu.se>; Maria Jonson <maria.jonson@liu.se>; Elina Hjertström (elina.hjertstrom@liu.se) <elina.hjertstrom@liu.se>; Michael Lögdlund (michael.logdlund@liu.se) <michael.logdlund@liu.se>; Bo Wahlberg <bo@kth.se>
Subject: Nomination of WASP Distinguished Guest Professors for 2025


Dear URG


This is to encourage you to start to identify candidates to be nominated as WASP Distinguished Guest Professors. We will come back with more detailed instructions and deadlines.


The process is as follows:

The WASP Distinguished Guest Professors program is governed by the following:


         There will be two annual guest professorships at the highest international scientific level

         The program includes all the scientific areas within WASP

         Nominations must be balanced (50/50) for gender equality

         The distribution of time periods for physical attendance at a WASP University and the duration of the guest professorship is flexible.

         The minimum duration for the guest professorship is six months, and the maximum is one year, during a two-year period.

A nomination should include


         Research plan approx. 2 pages with confirmation that the candidate is prepared to come to Sweden for a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 12 months during a two-year period starting in autumn 2025.

         Letter of support from nominating WASP faculty on approx. 1 page.

 Best regards Bo