Time again to send in information to WASP.




From: WASP Newsletter LiU <WASP.Newsletter@partner.liu.se>
Sent: Wednesday, 11 September 2024 13:01
To: Anders Ynnerman <anders.ynnerman@liu.se>; Karl-Erik Årzén <karl-erik.arzen@control.lth.se>; Amy Loutfi <Amy.Loutfi@oru.se>; bo@kth.se; dani@kth.se; erik.elmroth@umu.se; fredrik.heintz_liu.se <fredrik.heintz@liu.se>; hrootzen@chalmers.se; Michael Felsberg <michael.felsberg@liu.se>; thomas.schon@it.uu.se; robert.feldt@chalmers.se; marcus.liwicki <marcus.liwicki@ltu.se>; Daniel Axehill <daniel.axehill@liu.se>; Jesper.Tordenlid@combitech.se; emma.jonsson@combitech.se; johanna@cs.umu.se; johan.eker_ericsson.com <johan.eker@ericsson.com>; matteo.iovino@se.abb.com; ivana.von.proschwitz@gmail.com; caroline.sturesson_liu.se <caroline.sturesson@liu.se>; amandine.caut <amandine.caut@math.uu.se>; Eduardo Gutiérrez Maestro <Eduardo.Gutierrez-Maestro@oru.se>; Jonas Wisbrant <jonas.wisbrant@control.lth.se>; victoria.skeidsvoll_umu.se <victoria.skeidsvoll@umu.se>; Anders Ryttarson Törneholm <anders.torneholm@liu.se>; ulrika.avedal-aberg@chalmers.se; lzoubir@kth.se; Hanna Nordin <hanna.nordin@umu.se>; Sara Läthén <sara.lathen@liu.se>; programoffice@wasp-sweden.se
Subject: Tips for WASP newsletters 2024 #8


Dear all,


It is time to collect information for this month's WASP newsletters. WASP Community Update will be sent out on September 26th and the WASP Newsletter on September 27th.

Send us your tips for this month’s newsletter/s no later than September 19.


Please consider that the tips for the newsletter should have a clear connection to research or activities financed by WASP, or be of strong relevance to the WASP community.


For example:

All tips are reviewed. We try to include as much as possible, but we need to consider relevance, timing, and the distribution between universities and topics.


Alina Roos
Communications Officer WASP

Linköping University

Phone: +46 (0)13-28 18 99
Mobile: +46 (0)70-849 93 31
Visiting address: Campus Valla, Zenit
WASP on 

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