Present: Yiannis, Björn, Kristian, Anders, KE, Johan, Bo, Richard,

1. Frida Heskebeck updates on proposed changes to FRTN25 and FRTF10:
- remove handin 2. Course load is very high for 6 credits. This handin was tied to Matlab, and course transferred from Matlab to Python last year, so makes sense to remove.
- change the name of both ‘Process Control’
- rework materials (ongoing)
Will need to change codes. All present agree this is a good idea to proceed.

2. Research Focus Day. New date, 29th November. Pepparholm booked. Full day (0830--16) with focus on:
- international collaboration 
- speed dating research pitches
- group work on ‘what is a good research question’

3. Strategic Retreat. Date: 2nd-3rd December, lunch—lunch (ie 13-17 on day 1, 9-12 on day 2, or similar).
- lecture clash for Yiannis and Anders Ra
- proposed venue Fladje

4. Jan Häglund (Modelon) wants to meet, and discuss strategy alignments with the department. Bo will send a doodle to coordinate meeting.

5. Course plan changes due on Thursday (19/9) (smaller changes will be possible around new year, but major changes due now). Send to Björn ASAP

6. Master thesis printing. Proposal to reduce printing run to exclude internal examiners and supervisors, but keep library copy. All agreed to this change.

7. Matchmaking master thesis event. Proposed to hold in week 42 (14-18 October). Bo will look into it, and Björn will support.

8. Anton will come mid October and work at 25%. He will handle basic course responsibilities and ensure January exam is prepared.

9. Jubilee prize for master theses. Don’t forget to make your nominations.

10. Honorary doctorate suggestions welcome. Contact KE with suggestions